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Brazil Travel
If you are thinking about going to Brazil, I think you are a very smart person. Brazil is an exciting country with plenty to see and do and a very warm people who love to receive and share with whomever is receptive enough to make friends with them....

Getting The Best Travel Accomodations
Choosing the Best Travel Accommodation There are many things to consider when choosing your travel accommodations. The decision could make your trip fun or a disappointment. Choosing the right hotel is a must. Most travelers spend more time...

International Adventure Travel Ideas
International adventure travel: Safaris, balloon tours, swimming with dolphins, bicycling down volcanos, trekking in the Himalayas, Walmart on Christmas Eve - the list is almost endless. This will not be a comprehensive listing of all the adventure...

Tips for the right Rome holiday travel package.
It is not usually wise to be traveling during holidays as these are the times when almost every other person in the world is traveling. It is of course best to plan ahead or book ahead and go to your destination early to avoid all the hassle but...

Top Holiday Travel Destinations
Despite the high cost of fuel and other travel expenses, an estimated 63.5 million Americans are planning to travel at least 50 miles or more from home this Christmas and New Year. Hotel rates are up nearly 15% at some popular destinations,...

The Ultimate Traveler's Day Dream Come True

More than a few times, I've caught myself sitting at work day dreaming about dropping everything and just jumping on a plane. In October of 2003, I did just that.

Life can grind you down when you get in a rut. In my case, I had a particularly bad case of the blues in October 2003. My girlfriend and I had apparently come to an agreement that there was no need for me to exist on the face of the earth. My glamorous and exciting Internet business had become a bore. All and all, I was in a rut and needed a change. The travel gods apparently agreed.

On a Wednesday, I made the final decision to sell my business, get what I could for it and hit the road. The next day, I received a call from a man in Chicago what wanted to buy my web sites. This was particularly interesting since I hadn't actually told anyone the sites were for sale. By the end of the day, we had agreed on a price, signed a contract and he was wiring the money.

First thing Monday morning, my bank verified the wired money had been received and credited to my bank account. I picked up a couple of American Express checks, packed a small backpack and headed to the airport in Los Angles, known as "LAX".

The Dream Comes True

I walked into the international wing of LAX and did what every traveler has dreamed of doing. I stared at the flight board and just let the various destinations soak into my brain. After a few minutes, Asia percolated to the top of my grey matter and I started searching for the airlines with flights there.

After a few misses, I was able to get a ticket on a Korean Airlines flight to Bangkok. I passed through security, picked up a guidebook for Asia and headed to my gate. Three hours later, we lifted off the runway and I waived goodbye to rut for three months.

I've disdained heavy planning for my trips. I prefer a very loose schedule because I want time to live out unexpected events. If you ever get the chance to chuck everything and go travel for a few months, just do it. You never know when you'll get the chance again!
About the Author

Rick Chapo is with - makers of travel journals. Writing journals are the perfect travel accessories. Visit to read more travel articles and travelogues.