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See the most beautiful places when you travel to Galapagos

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<body> <h1>See the most beautiful places when you travel to Galapagos </h1>

The Galapagos Islands, off the coast of Ecuador , have captured the hearts and imaginations of people for the past two centuries. The Galapagos Islands have been visited by buccaneers and pirates, studied by scientists, biologists, and historians. Now, it's your turn to travel to Galapagos and discover the enchanted islands.

A vacation in the Galapagos Islands is a dream came true. The Galapagos Islands are blessed with pleasant weather all year round, which means that there is no "better" time to visit those precious Islands where you can see playful seals, elegant albatrosses, fiery red Sally Light-foot Crabs, and sneaky Friate birds.

If you travel to Galapagos you can see the wonders of the underwater world. Imagine a realm where penguins swim in equatorial seas, and iguanas are found eating their algae meal submerged in the saltwater. Imagine dolphins leaping about in phosphorescent water and becoming the new friend of a playful sea lion pup. Imagine scuba diving wit h graceful sea turtles, wouldn't it be amazing?

Each island has a lot of things to see and you won't want to miss anything. Travel to Galapagos and spend your holiday cruising to the west side of Isabella Island to see the flightless cormorant. On Tower Island you can enter a forest of mangroves where colonies of great frigate birds nest. On Santiago Island you can the grottos,

which are deep pools of clean water where you can encounter fur sea lions. On Santa Cruz Island you can watch the scenery change as you go through all seven vegetation zones found in Galapagos , and you can also see "the tunnels", the largest lava tubs found in Galapagos. And after lunch at a highland ranch, we visit the Charles Darwin Research Station. There is fun for everyone.

If you wonder what to bring when you travel to Galapagos, here are some useful tips. When packing for a trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands you should pack lightly! If you bring few things your trip will be more carefree and enjoyable, but you have to bring things which are necessary. You should pack your clothes in two bags: one with warmer clothes and city clothes that can be left in your hotel in Quito , and a separate bag for storage of your gear aboard the boat in Galapagos. You should carry sun glasses, sun block, light cotton pants, and for snorkeling, mask, wetsuit and snorkel. Don't forget to bring binoculars, water bottles, flashlight, insect repellent, Pepto Bismol, Tylenol, band aids, walking shoes, swimwear, umbrella, and of course, your camera.

Finally, if you just want to rest and relax, you can spend your Galapagos vacations on one of the four islands that have hotels and accommodation for all budgets. You can find here only the best quality accommodations that provide friendly service, good food and are located in safe surroundings close to tourist destinations.

Now that you know all you the wonders you can see on these beautiful islands, what are you waiting for? Are you now convinced that you should travel to Galapagos?

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About the Author

J Herrera is a freelance writer for travel topics.