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Successfull travel is not just cheap plane tickets

Planning ahead when traveling can save you so much time. Simple things such as trying to find cheap plane tickets is obvious, but researching your selected place of travel is the most important thing you can do to ensure a fantastic holiday or business trip.

Making a list and checking it twice. Decide before you start to pack what you will actually need to take with you. A good place to start is to think of all the things you wish you had brought on previous trips. Sit down for a minute and imagine you are already at your destination, try to think hard about what you will need. Don not forget to review your list after you have packed and check off the items you have packed.

Try a new way to pack. Sometimes you can fit more clothes in if you roll them up. Do not forget to fold your clothes in half first so that the creases will stay the same.

Research the country and the city you are going to. South Korea is a good example, It is ok for

women to smoke in public in the capital city of Seoul, but if you travel out to the small towns it is frowned upon.
Find out about the customs such as tipping. In Most Asian countries tipping is not required, although if you stay at a western hotel it is still recommended.

Be aware of local laws and regulations. A great example of the importance of this is countries like Saudi Arabia where alcohol is prohibited. Learn about things like speed limits and such from travel books.

Travel books are a great resource of information. Books like the Lonely Traveler and others are available at your local library or bookstore. These can save you a lot of time and money especially when traveling to far away countries.

Remember getting cheap plane tickets is only the first step, proper planning is the real key to a great trip.

About the Author

Kerry Emrich is an avid traveler and adventurer. Traveling most of Asia and the South Pacific