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Travel tips for your next Myrtle Beach Vacation & Insider Time Share report


The climate in South Carolina is generally mild and humid. Spring starts in March, and the beaches are busy by mid-April. Summer begins in May with pleasant balmy days that become quite hot before the season's end.

Autumn brings a relief from extreme temperatures with lots of sunshine, while mild winter temperatures bring out the best in colorful pansies and hardy camellias. Winter temperatures however can reach 20-30 degrees, and on rare occasions, we are treated with a light dusting of snow. Ocean temperatures range from 45-85 degrees during the year.

Hurricane Season

Hurricane season annually runs from June through early November, with peak activity occurring in August and September. If the state is threatened by a hurricane, log on to the state's tourism web site at for the latest travel advisories and updates. Tropical storms and tropical depressions can also affect South Carolina during these months.

Beautiful Blossoms

South Carolina is most beautiful in spring when its gardens ablaze with dogwoods, flowering fruit trees, azaleas, camellias, roses, and other native plants. Check the "festivals and seasonal events" listing during months of February through June for house and garden tours.

Fall Foliage

The peak period for fall foliage in South Carolina's Upcountry occurs the 2nd-4th weeks in October as a general rule. Peak foliage for the remainder of the state occurs late October through early


Roadside Delights

Peach season usually runs from the end of May through August, while the fragrant smell of apples permeates the air from late September through November. Roadside stands provide the perfect outlet for purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables in season. While here, be sure to get your Southern fix - a fresh bag of boiled peanuts. 

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About the Author

The author, Victor Newton, helps give individuals and families up to the minute info on trips, and travel information exclusively in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. So be sure to pick up the free report:

90 minute Time Shares that pay the most cash on your vacation at Myrtle Beach