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Travel To Russia - Kamchatka
Among the mysteries of the Russian language there is an expression "Sitting on Kamchatka" which in school slang, this idiom means, "to sit in the back row of the classroom, far enough from the teacher's strict gaze.
This geographical idiom originates from the Kamchatka region of the Far East, one of the remotest areas from Moscow, the Russian center. So everything connected with Kamchatka suggests something as remoteas can be.
At present however, the effect of this expression is fading away. The engine of progress launches new regions in the tourist race, bringing travelers to any place of the world and Kamchatka is a one more huge, well-equipped cosmodrom.
Visitors from all over the world can catch the joy and fascination from travelling to this wonderful place.
Interesting as it may seem, this very remote region of vast Russia is in fact twice as big as England!
This unique place offers you the experiences of:
Travelling to active volcanoes and crater exploration. One of the most thrilling routes runs to Klyuchevskoy volcano (4750 m), the highest active volcano in Europe and Asia.
Climbing to the top of Klyuchevskoy volcano and studying volcanic processes in the crater and on the slopes are of both scientific and adventuresome. Mountaineers and visitors can try organized climbing.
Vast wilderness areas and the abrupt landscape, changing from fairytale woods to science-fiction moonlike landscapes are sure to leave a strong and lasting impression.
One may wish to visit other volcanoes just as exciting and
terrific: Avachinsky Hill (2741 m), Plosky Tolbachik (3085 m) and Ostry Tolbachik (3682 m) and a variety of others.
Thermal Springs and The Valley of Geysers were discovered in April, 1941.
Travellers on entering a narrow passageway between the snowy rocks decided to have a rest and made themselves comfortable on a steep snow-capped hill. There was a thawed patch on the opposite shore with covered by a hazy fog and suddenly a spurt of hot water shot straight towards them!
Today the thermal springs are definitely one of the world's great wonders.
A precious natural relic one can find and seeing it will be an experience. There are
over 20 big geysers in the Valley: Velikan(Giant), Zhemchuzhny (Pearly), Sakharny (Sugary), Troynoy (Triple), Konus (Cone), Fontan (Fountain) and Maly (Small).
There are geysers that gush forth every 10-12 minutes, while others may erupt once in 4-5 hours. The wreathes of steam, fountains of boiling water, incredible colours of slopes, hot water streaming along them and profuse greenery of grasses and trees make an enchanting show.
As a rule one can try salmon fishing from May till October. There are two kinds of salmon fishing: spinning fishing and fly-fishing.
In Kamchatka you may fish various salmon species such as king salmon, silver salmon and chum and sockeye and pink salmon. Impressive, yes?
Also you can fish rainbow trout, char, grayling. Fishing down the Bystraya river or the Opala river you have a chance of enjoying the volcanoes, a primeval beauty and the unique thermal springs.
While visiting such a unique place one cannot help but meet its natives, the most amiable people possible, the Koryaks, Itelmens, Evens, Chukchis and Aleuts.
For these ancient tribal nations, reindeer breading was the main occupation for centuries deer provided them with everything necessary: meat, skin for clothes (reindeer skin for coveralls, footwear) and for building portable dwellings (yarangas).
The reindeers bones were used for making tools and household articles and the animal's fat was used like oil for lightening. Highly developed handicrafts such as wood and bone carving, metal works, native clothing and carpets, embroidered
with beads and braiding are displayed at the Museum of Local Lore.
It is amazing to see the way these Northern tribes now live, preserving the skills as they were used to dwell, hundreds of years ago. The way they hunted, ate and slept.
Kamchatka is still a mysterious and yet mostly undiscovered vast area.
Its virgin lands and wonderments of treasured beauty are waiting to be explored and enjoyed by those willing to seek adventure. About the Author
Marina Smiley is the author of the popular eBook "Cheap Ticket To Russia"
Tips for budget travelers to Russia</strong>