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Travelling To South America With A Tour Group
Travelling To South America With A Tour Group
South America has magnificant beautiful areas to explore and most often people are looking for a package deal that is offered by a tour group. Is a package deal the right decision for you?
If you answer yes then there are many to choose from but how do you know which one is best suited for you.
First you must look at yourself and know that travelling to South American with all it's pros and cons is right for you. Before you even begin to look at areas you need to ask yourself questions.
Do you want to stay at an all-inclusive resort and be pampered or do you want to get into hiking and exploring different regions? If you are into hiking them make sure you are fit enough to be active for hours on end and check to see just how much you will be active.
Will you be able to trapse through jungles or withstand the thin air in the mountain regions? Heat and humidity in the jungle areas can be extreme just as thin air in the mountains can cause altitude sickness. Will either of these bother you?
Although not advisable some people prefer to travel alone. Make sure you are capable of dealing with the many situations that travelling alone may bring. South America is made up of thrid world countries and with language differences and illnesses that may arise, travelling alone may not be for you. Being in a group gives you the security of instant help should the need arise and support from other group members.
Make sure you bring medications with you for your trip in case any medical conditions arise. It is highly recommended that if you are heading for jungle areas that you get prophylactic Malaria medication and take it! If you plan to travel deep into the rainforest or other unusual
places that you get advice from a specialized hospital or doctor that deals with tropical diseases.
Research extensively the areas that you wish to travel in. Read maps, listen to local music, find online reviews, read guide books, learn some of the language and try to correspond with others who have visited the area. A well researched trip will mean less surprises.
By planning you will now have a list of things that you want to see or do in the country you choose. Once you have researched all the different areas of South America it is then time to visit a travel agent. Take you list of things you want to accomplish and your agent will help to match you up with the right tour group. Make sure you look at what is included in your trip beside the price. All inclusive does not necessarily mean taxes, food/snacks, alchol, transfers, travel expenses or fees for side trips are included. Look online for references or ask your agent if they can supply you will some.
Last, but not least, make sure you check on the visa requirements for your trip. Make sure your passport is up to date. Make photocopies of all travel documents and credit cards and identity cards in case they are lost of stolen. Try to leave documents with a hotel once you arrive in country and only carry photocopies with you when away from the hotel. If the need arrises for the actual documents you can easily make arrangements with the hotel for their delivery.
About the Author
Jean Sutherland is the owner of the informative website http://www.spasoftheworld.com/southamerica.htm & http://www.spasoftheworld.com/spas/index.html She has worked in the travel industry for over 10 years and lived in Mexico for 3 years. Please also look at the Mexican Animal Shelter site she supports.