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5 Romantic Travel Resolutions
A new year always means a chance for a new start. You and yours can begin this new year by making some travel resolutions together, regardless of your time and budget restraints. Put aside those old travel habits and make some new ones! Let this...

Puerto Galera Travel Guide
The Philippines is a country gifted with great beaches. The better known beaches are those found in Boracay and Palawan. Another beach or resorts worth mentioning are those found on the Mindoro's northern part in the province of Oriental Mindoro....

Strange Aircraft Charter Terms- Air Charter Glossary Help for first time Jet Travelers
Have you ever wondered about all the strange air charter terms and words? This air charter glossary will help you understand the jargon next time you call to book a private charter aircraft. Airway Distance: The actual (as opposed to straight...

Travel Health: Useful medical information for good health before your departure, during your trip and after your return.
The diseases most commonly seen in travellers are diarrhoea, malaria (if you travel in a malaria-infested area), accidents (when travelling by car or swimming), wound infections and sexually transmitted diseases. - Diarrhoea is caused by...

What you need to know about – Travel in Luxury
Luxury travel is diametrically opposed to traveling on budget. ‘Luxury’ as the term Suggests, is to have the best of everything by paying the maximum for it. If you have money and want to make your vacations a dream come true then go for the...

Welcome to Bali Island of the Gods with Bali Hotels Holiday (Travel Service)

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Bali Hotels Holiday (Travel Service)