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Tips For Traveling To Mexico

Tips on Having a Trouble-Free Trip to Mexico

Mexico has become one of the most popular tourist destinations. And just like traveling to other countries and cities, one needs enough information to be able to maximize the experience of staying in Mexico.

Here are some tips to help one prepare for an exciting trip to one of the culturally-rich countries, Mexico.

1. Learn the language.

Spanish is the main language spoken in Mexico. Although some residents can communicate in and understand English, Spanish is still the language spoken in commerce. Spanish is easy to learn and once one has been familiarized with sentence construction, he or she can go far just using an English/Spanish dictionary.

2. Make sure you have an ID with a photo (such as a passport or a driver's license), your tourist card (which is proof of your permission to visit Mexico) and your proof of citizenship.

These are the documents that need to be presented before entering Mexico.

3. Take note of the following items as these are allowed to be brought to Mexico:

Personal clothing, footwear and toiletries in practical quantities Magazines and books Personal medicines and prescriptions Used sporting equipment One portable TV and VCR and one typewriter Cassette and records, not exceeding 20 Musical instrument A set of skiing equipment, fishing equipment and tennis rackets Alcohol-containing beverage, not exceeding three liters, and 50 cigars or 400 cigarettes, if tourist is over

eighteen years old One still camera and movie camera, with not more than twelve rolls of film

4. Before entering Mexico, there are two forms to be filled out. It is better to prepare a black pen for these. These are usually distributed at the airline ticket counter or while on the plane. The first one is the temporary visa. The second form is for the Customs and Taxation called Hacienda.

5. Although there are businesses that accept foreign currency, make sure that you still have some of your dollars exchanged for the Mexican peso. Credit cards, particularly, those with MasterCard, Visa and AmEx logo are also accepted. Bringing traveler's checks are also preferred.

6. Drink bottled water or sufficiently boiled water. Never drink tap water even if the place in which you are staying claim to have a water purifying system. Before eating fruits and vegetable, wash these in a purifying solution, peel them and cook them.

7. In a location different from that of the originals, store photocopies of tickets and a list of traveler's checks.

With this information, your trip to Mexico will be a safe and enjoyable one.

About the author:

Jay is the web owner of Lowest Price Airline Tickets, a website that provides information and resources on vacations, airfare, hotels, and travel. You can visit his website at: Hotel Discounts