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Turkey Travel Tips

A Traveler's Guide to Turkey

Turkey is a unique country that lies along two continents. One part of Turkey is part of Europe, while the rest is geographically situated in West Asia, (also called the Middle East). Many languages are spoken in Turkey, such: as Greek, Armenian, Kurdish, Arabic and their official language, Turkish.

Travelers that come from Western Europe are not required to have a visa, except those coming from the UK. It is still possible to travel to Turkey by means of a train from Europe, albeit not very practical. This is done by those who are driven by the romantic notion of traveling by train, made famous by the movie the Orient Express.

Arriving by plane is the fastest way to get to Turkey, and the most practical. Taxi services are widely available outside of the airports to welcome tourists.

It is a delight to travel around Turkey by bus. The buses offer accommodation equipped with air-conditioning and a great crew that attends to the needs of the passengers. They also offer food and drink. In addition to rest stops at restaurants every couple of hours or so.

Visitors who plan to drive while visiting this country should be very careful while on the road. Road accident rates are high in Turkey, especially, since their roads are often left in poor condition.

Things to do while in Turkey.

* Turkey offers a great cuisine derived from Arabic and Mediterranean style. These dishes often contain meat such as lamb, which is a staple

meat in turkey. A lot of spices are also used in their dishes. Turkish coffee is a very popular drink that must be sampled while visiting.

* Travelers who are planning to go to Turkey during winter can take advantage of the numerous ski centers that are available. Rafting and yachting are also popular activities there, perfect during the summer and fall season.

* Tourists who want to absorb the culture and get better acquainted with Turkey's history can visit some of their famous landmarks such as: Topkapi Palace, Ayasofya Museum, Mt. Nemrut and the ancient City of Troy.

* Turkey is also famous for their diverse wildlife. It is one of only a few countries in the world that has preserved their ecological equilibrium. Many rare species here are protected by the government.

* The natural landscape of this country is a treasure. Visitors can go on hiking trips to partake in this wonderful outdoors experience.

It is predicted that on March 29, year 2006, a total solar eclipse will take place in Turkey. So those who want to experience this phenomenon should schedule their vacation around this time

About the author:

Jay is the web owner of Lowest Price Airline Tickets, a website that provides information and resources on vacations, airfare, hotels, and travel. You can visit his website at: Hotel Discounts